Saturday, August 30, 2008


Analyses BEP aim to find one points in either unit or also dollar which description cost equal to earnings. Given the point, means in to [him] obtained gain or equally even. So when sale of permit through? via exceeding BEP, hence starting gain obtained.
Analysis target BEP is not other knows at volume level how much/many break-even point stays. In other condition, analysis BEP also applied to assist audition of product type or process with identifying product or process having low total cost for a hope volume. While in location choice, analysis BEP used to determine low total cost four Po’s, is meaning earnings total max for production capacity determined.
Analysis BEP differentiated between usages for single product and or for a few products at the same time. Company majority produces or oversells out of one products to apply the same facility. Like Alfa mart in it not just selling cacao SILVER QUEEN. Realized and not now is known that calculating BEP product multiple is rather difficult. Difficulty emerges because dimness of constant cost for each product. Nevertheless, difficulty that way has been broken through calculation of be not for per product type but all involving products applies contribution of sale every product.

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