Saturday, August 30, 2008

Production Layout

In general if(when we have time to enquire to the officers produce of a company, " How to compile layout for the shake of effectively and production system efficiency? They answer in the range of ten things : optimal of equipments exploiting, minimization of labor usage, liquid material stream and product thus, a few inventories, efficient of room usage, gives sufficiency of motion space of operational and also keeping, minimization of capital investment, gives flexibility for alteration, increases working safety, and creates situation of job(activity which conducive. Layout produce of managed with a purpose to develops efficient and effective production system.
Based on ten the range of answer of the officer’s produce of a company has been telling. Arrangement effectively of layout produce of determined by material factor handling, utilization of space, keeping amenity, motion diffuseness, orientation of product, and alteration of product or product design. Layout produce of can be classified into process layout, product layout, fixed position layout. Every the layout type, in its(the existence having gain and weakness to be utilized. Process layout gives gain of utilization of machine, specialization of supervision but high work in process inventory also requirement of material handling is increasing. Process layout gives gain of direct handling material stream and simple, low work in process inventory however damage of machine undoubtedly stop total produce of also big capital investment. While gain of fixed position layout letter in enrichment opportunity of duty, flexible and satisfaction of labor because can finalize all work but can duplication of machine and equipments, movement of high personnel and of course requires labor high quality. Layouts produce of not other function and art.

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