Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fifteen Material Principles Handling

Material handling comes up handling of material by using correct equipments and method. Its(the material type is of course different between one companies with other company or equally not precisely equal to as logical principles applies there are nothing also in this world the same, s(he only and only equal to their/his self. Nevertheless, fifteen material principles handling here solvent take effectively and material efficiency handling at many companies as principle becoming management bottom,
First principle, material system handling must fulfill purpose and coming desire. Second principle, high integrity, Third, considers ability and man constrain. Fourth, expense of per cheap unit, Fifth, energy factor involved in justification chartered investment counsel, Sixth, usage of correct room, Seventh, exploits gravity. Eight, computerization, Ninth, data current integrated with current physical of material. Ten, correct operation sequence and layout. Eleventh, standardization, Both bees, mechanization, The thirteenth, doesn't affect negativity to area. Fourteenth, simple and combination, Last from material principle handling is not other of method and equipments selected applicable to all kinds of duty in so many operating condition. In few words, all principles returns at two chummy will words is hear in ear, " Efficient and effective."

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