Saturday, August 30, 2008


Classical conditioning looks into behavior as result of association primary stimulus with secondary stimulus. Like in advertising which description marking a heroic man ( primary stimulus) as well as a brand product, is Marlboro ( secondary stimulus). In classical conditioning expected [by] smoker Marlboro to associate as a man who is heroic, COWBOY.
Success of advertising applying classical conditionings depend on ability of primary stimulus arises positive feeling of consumer. Equally, primary stimulus has positive correlation with product that is on the market. Primary stimulus can have the character of thematic and applies popular figures like a celebrity taken a fancy to by target consumer. In its(the existence success of applying of classical conditioning in advertising requires fulfilled it some covenants. First covenant, there is no other stimulus overshadowing primary stimulus. Second covenant, primary stimulus before all is not associated with other product brand. Third, primary stimulus is not too familiar for public. Fourth covenant of which is other not of last covenant is effective if(when primary stimulus is which new. Covenant for the shake of covenant told puts down success of advertising to permeate concept classical conditioning. Without conditions that way fulfilled is saying money many castaways in advertising from intention associated by like Rano karno but instead consumer spells out members Rano supposing kusan.

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