Saturday, August 30, 2008


Effort prevents credit insurance to have problem as of pestle many discussed, even becomes discussion bogey of the bankers especially credit insurance officer. Prevents always better from curing. Besides its (the drug taste is bitter in tongue also felt partly the medical doctors now clever played at the price of drug recipe. Ah than having to per forced to buy drug that is the price sky-high better prevents pain in order not to, and if ill hopefully just still many good medical doctors.
Prevents credit insurance to have problem is easy and difficult. Easy to tell and difficult to execute. Apply is easy to based on knowledge. In addition, prevent credit insurance haves problem we require knowledge of credit insurance style, policy, credit insurance process, and involver.
Credit insurance style. Big the so small credit insurance amounts haves problem influenced [by] system and credit insurance vesting process. the System and process, present as according to credit insurance style embraced by management of related bank. If (when dressy of high profit hence expansion and scouting of client intensively often uncared credit quality. If(when dressy of liquid hence profit is not optimal. management of Bank looks for conflict a middle course profit liquid that is then formulates it in target of credit insurance wanted, hit limits to disposal of loan tolerated. There is no perfect midpoint between profits with liquid, the elementary situation its use. In the case of style, profit specified hence taking care of credit quality defended as effort to prevent credit insurance to have problem.
Policy. Credit policy is main supporting facilities communicates credit insurance style. In credit policy loads indicator designed as credit insurance vesting guidance. That credit insurance does not have problem hence the policy is social completely and explains at all of employee is involving. Fails of implementation of policy often because the low of commitment of management, unable to be social, be against formal habit embraced by management.
Process. Credit insurance process is not other of the second line of defense in preventing credit insurance to have problem. This process claims presentation clarity, if (when ill defined hence credit insurance would continuously experience downdraft of quality that is sometimes miss from attention of management. Process include; covers credit insurance vesting process, construction process of credit insurance, process review credit insurance, and information process of management for portfolio credit insurance.
People. People are the first line of defense in preventing credit insurance to have problem. If (when credit insurance constituted [by] good policy, good process hence opportunity of credit insurance haves problem can be minimal zed. Credit insurance officer becoming contact main person for client ought to become firstly knows credit insurance symptom to have problem as well as firstly starts bail out stages; steps. To ensure that account officer has ability to prevent and detects credit insurance to have problem, hence recruitment there is no back door road (street and always supplies account officer with education of periodical practice.

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